A million little peaches

January 8, 2011

In an attempt to get the blog rolling again, I’ll put up two quick posts about what we’ve been up to this semester.

Earlier this year we decided we would risk our sanity by making two things in one night.  It all started with our desire to make meringues… who doesn’t like a meringue?  Well it turns out meringues are very difficult to make at altitude, but we tried anyways.  This is where our sanity was nearly lost: a battle of epic proportions as far as benevolent baking is concerned ensued as Kristin and Theresa argued (mostly fake) about whether or not the meringues were going to turn out and whether or not they should try to make a second desert just in case.  After both bakers had raised their voices and ended the argument with head in hand they (we…) decided to do both!  The second desert ended up being shortbread cakes with fresh peaches and whip cream topping.  All in all, what started as a benevolent baking fiasco turned into a benevolent baking masterpiece.  A choice of  deserts in the library was unprecedented and both turned out quite delicious.  Here are some pictures to prove we are still alive.

Instead of a joke this time, here is a riddle that invovles peaches: go to that website to read it




to healthy hearts and smiling stomachs,


Twix or Tweats

November 7, 2010

Fourth Tuesday of the block is inevitably a stressful time for most CC students.  It is on this night that the benevolent bakers search out those students who are banging their heads against a library carrel at 1 am because they’re just not sure they’re going to finish on time.  This past block (sorry this post is pretty late), we found ourselves without much work and heard the call of hungry studiers in the library.  Our snack: a homemade twix bar (see the recipes tab for further instruction).  This three layered bar of shortcake, caramel, and chocolate tasted absolutely wonderful, but the appearance fell short a little.  The shortcake was too cumbly and caused the bars to fall apart slightly.  What could have been done differently?  More butter, duh!  Next time, we hope that they look like this.  However, we forgot, as we always do, that students in the library at 1 am on 4th Tuesday can barely see three feet in front of them, so thankfully presentation wasn’t too important.


And now for something to (maybe) make you laugh:

What do you call a cow that can’t moo?
A milk dud!


to healthy hearts and smiling stomachs,


Mint Condition

September 27, 2010

Welcome back!  It has been a long summer without you.  We have been baking and have had no stressed out studiers to feed.  Luckily Theresa is taking a 100 level biology class and Kristin is doing an “independent study” (aka we have nothing better to do).

So, we decided to start out with a classic flavor combination: mint and chocolate.  How original! It was smooth sailing in the kitchen, but hard to know when they were done (the york patties in the middle melted and were deceiving).  Which leads us to the first lesson we relearned that day: pay attention to the oven. Its very easy to leave something in for just a little too long…  We really only burnt 4 but we’re still beating ourselves up about it.

But our chocolate mint brownie cupcakes were delicious and well received.


to healthy hearts and smiling stomachs,
